It is so important and a responsibility give your child a positive first experience in the dental office. Parents are a key part of this introduction to dentistry. Parents are the guide to virtually all of life's experiences ESPECIALLY before 5 years of age. Infants, toddlers, and young children feel and see your unspoken emotions and anxieties.
Tell and show them that "going to the dentist" is easy and may be an experience to "look forward to." Share your own positive experiences in the dental office. I you have had any unpleasant experiences, for your child's sake, keep them to yourself. There is NO BENEFIT to your child if you share them. The majority of unpleasant dental experiences occur when the patient needs extensive and complicated treatment. Therefore, the best way to avoid bad dental experiences is to take your child to a PEDIATRIC DENTIST at an early age before any tooth decay is present. Schedule your child's first dental appointment on their first birthday or no later than 18 months of age. Infants and toddlers are easy to control, the time in the dental chair is short, toothbrushing or polishing is very quick, and they usually get a "prize" at the end. Tell your child this is what usual happens. REMEMBER, that this is all about helping your child; not about sharing the possible negative dental experiences you or your family may have experienced. You are the primary role model for your child and they will follow your advice and your direction. Positive comments set the stage for a positive experience. I will share this valuable advice. My experiences and social research indicate that the most difficult time to introduce your child to a dental office is 3 years of age. These toddlers are going through a dependent stage in their lives and are very "worldly." They have heard negative conversations, either intentional or unintentional, about negative dental experiences from relatives, siblings, or from parents. In summary, 1)start brushing your child's teeth when the first tooth comes into the mouth. 2) Brush your own teeth and your child's teeth before going to bed with DrBranamsXylitoltoothpasteandgel, 3) minimize baby bottle and sippy cup usage, 4) take your child to a PEDIATRIC DENTIST on their FIRST BIRTHDAY. Yours for a better dental experience Dr Steve Branam
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