Parents and caregivers:
It is very important that you get your child off to a good start with their dental and oral health. The best way to accomplish this is by making their first dental appointment with a PEDIATRIC DENTIST at one year of age. The primary focus for this visit is to determine the oral health history and current oral health practices of the parents/family. You see, tooth decay is a disease of the family, and it is intergenerational. You can expect to have your child’s teeth cleaned, x-rays, and an examination if appropriate. A review of brushing, flossing, and other oral hygiene methods is essential. You will be given treatment explanations and recommendations if cavities are present. The main message is to have your child scheduled for a regular six month check up. This will prevent a need for more complicated treatment in the future. This alone will benefit the child, parent and caregiver. Make an appointment today for your child's first dental examination at one year of age. Yours for better dental health, Dr Steve Branam
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