Lip tie and tongue-tie are a more common diagnosis than health care professionals think. There are approximately 184,000 infants born per year with this condition in the United States. There are over 1.1 million children 6 years of age or younger who have or have had a lip-tie or tongue tie.
I personally examine at least 2 to 3 children per week in my office with this condition. It is very important to understand that both of these conditions affect breastfeeding and bottle feeding in infants and toddlers. Surgical correction of each condition can be done in a dental office using local anesthetic by a properly trained and educated pediatric dentist. Unfortunately, pediatricians and family practice physicians are NOT trained to perform this procedure. ENT physicians usually perform these lip and tongue-tie procedures under general anesthesia in the operating room. Lactation consultants usually ENCOURAGE to mothers to continue breastfeeding but rarely recommend correction of the condition. The most common symptoms of lip-tie and tongue-tie infants are burping, gas, stomach aches, lack of weight gain and frequent feeding. Mothers will have painful, cracked, and sore nipples. Not every child that has a lip-tie or tongue tie needs to be corrected. The extent of the symptoms determine the surgery necessity. The mother's desire and need to breastfeed is also important. Oftentimes, the infant will have difficulty sleeping through the night, because they are hungry. Ultimately, the parents will decide whether to correct the condition or not. My experience is that most parents want the correction earlier rather than later. The correction is done to improve feeding and digestion, because the most severe outcome of no correction is ACID REFLUX. This can continue we into adulthood. My advice is for parents to educate themselves regarding lip and tongue-tie. Seek a early examination by a pediatric dentist and get a second opinion, because only a small percentage of pediatric dentists perform maxillary and mandibular frenectomies routinely. I personally perform these procedures 70 to 100 times a year. I hope that this TRUTHFUL information is helpful to you. Dr. Steve Branam
Tooth decay is a DISEASE that virtually affects everyone. It is important that you understand that tooth decay and gum disease cannot be eliminated, but they can be minimized or controlled. The level of both is primarily determined by the patient or person. The dentist can help you, but the oral and dietary habits you have AT HOME DAILY is the most critical factor. What you do at home DAILY is more important than what the dentist does in the office twice a year at regular check-ups. The dentist can help you, if you practice good oral and dietary habits routinely.
The dentist has the obligation to give to the correct information and products to accomplish this goal. The latest home care technology is the use of oral XYLITOL DAILY. This recommendation is supported by scientific data over the last 20 years. Unfortunately, the vast majority of dentists are not aware is this research. The continue to recommend using Fluoride ALONE, because that is recommendation they were taught in dental school many years ago. Newer products like SILVER DIAMINE FLUORIDE (SDF) which can be applied in the dental office in a specific manner. FLUORIDE VARNISH can be applied at home by the caregiver or parent wiht direction from the dentist or hygienist. Unfortunately, most dentists are NOT FAMILIAR with these products, because they are new and have been clinically proven to be very effective in reducing tooth decay. Your dentist should recommend either of them as an alternative to fillings. I hope that this truthful I formation is helpful to to and it will definitely save you money for extensive dental work. Yours for better oral health, Dr. Steve Branam Receiving dental treatment in a dental office is often very difficult and frankly frightening for many children and adults. It is often more stressful for children and adults with Autism. The goal is to minimize the need for extensive and complicated dental treatment for more patients, especially those with special needs and AUTISM. Minimizing the need for dental treatment is the most important goal because it is impossible to eliminate tooth decay and gum disease. You can only try to CONTROL them.
A visit to the dental office often creates anxiety and increases the sensory responses of people with Autism. My understanding is that three things are very irritating to Autism patients. 1. Laying down on the back, 2. Loud noises 3. Bright lights. These three things occur during a conventional dental visit when mainstream and untrained dental personnel attempt to provide treatment for special needs and AUTISM patients. In our office, we raise the back of the dental chair at 45 degrees, use only the dental light when necessary, and use the polishing cleaning handpiece when necessary. This will minimize the activation of the sensory responses. The focus is on the clinical exam and the oral hygiene and diet practices at home. As a dentist, I see my patients twice a year; the parent or caregiver sees them daily. Early evaluation and regular dental checkups are required to get the best immediate and LONG TERM results for extended good oral health. The majority of patients with AUTISM will become adults with long-term oral and general health care requirements. The absolute best ingredient in FUTURE toothpaste and gels is XYLITOL. The only clinically tested toothpaste and gel formulated with XYLITOL are Dr Branam Xylitol products. They are safe, effective, and meant to be ingested in the mouth. The gel is specifically formulated for patients with oral sensory diagnosis. I genuinely hope this truthful information benefits you and your family. Yours for better oral health, DR STEVE BRANAM Using Fluoride ALONE has been scientifically proven to decrease tooth decay and improve oral health by 24%. Using XYLITOL daily at home has been scientifically PROVEN to decrease tooth decay and improve oral health by 72%. Fluoride is old technology and XYLITOL is the latest technology. You should make THE BEST CHOICE for the health of your mouth.
You should be using Dr Branams Xylitol toothpaste and gel at home daily if you have any of the following: •Infant or toddlers 1 year of age or older •Children 6 years of age or younger •Children of any age with many cavities •A parent who has multiple cavities •Parents who see a dentist less than once a year or never see a dentist •Parents who do not brush at bedtime •Parents who put the baby to bed with bottle of milk or juice or breast-feed In the middle of the night •Parents who take their children to a General dentist.....not a pediatric dentist •Families who have a history of high rates o tooth decay •Parents of children with special needs, autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or are Wheelchair bound I have been able to reduce the need for extensive and expensive dental treatment by 60 % in my own pediatric dental practice over the last 12 years. The answer is using Dr Branams Xylitol toothpaste and gel DAILY AT HOME. Obviously, my goal is to improve the oral health and lower tooth decay in the entire family. The key is to have parents use these products themselves and introduce them to their infants and other children. I truly hope that this truthful and accurate information is helpful and beneficial. FOR BETTER ORAL HEALTH FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. Dr Steve Branam Unfortunately, the reputation of dentists and the dental profession has somewhat declined over the last few years. Many adults have had unpleasant experiences in the dental office. Usually these "bad" experiences occur when the patient has avoided the dentist until significant pain requires them seek expensive and extensive treatment. Typically, parents, relatives, friends, siblings and others share these poor experiences with a child who is seeing a dentist for the first time. Having heard these stories, the child goes to the dental office expecting the worst case scenario. This is the worst possible way to introduce the the child to dental care.
There is a method to at least paint a positive picture for your child. I can offer the following suggestions. If your child asks, "What are they going to do?" You can answer that they are going to brush your teeth, look at them, count them, polish them with an electric tooth, and talk to me about it. If ask again you can say "I really don't know, but I know that it will be easy. " Do not us words such as: hurt, shot, painful, drill, pull your tooth, or your bad experiences. The entire GOAL is to make this first visit as easy and pleasant as possible. Ideally, the first appointment should be at 15 months of age or younger when they child is free of tooth decay. They are also easy to control and they have no idea that a dental visit can be unpleasant. This is GREAT. The most difficult age to introduce a child to dentistry is 3 to 4 years of age. The are insecure about new experiences and are very worldly. They listen to the unpleasant stories told by the people listed above and can understand them. I purposefully NEVER do any treatment at the first dental appointment to make it as easy and comfortable as possible. A dentist only gets one chance at a first impression, and the dentist needs to make the most of it. Another CRITICAL factor is; ALWAYS take your child to a PEDIATRIC DENTIST for the first dental exam appointment. By following these recommendations, the parent can often avoid COMPLICATED, EXPENSIVE, and potentially UNCOMFORTABLE dental treatment. By avoiding the one year of age dental exam, you are increasing risk of your child having an unpleasant introduction to dentistry. I truly hope that this accurate and honest information has been helpful for you. Sincerely, Dr Steve Branam I think that most parents are not informed about how fluoride works and how it benefits the teeth. Fluoride, used alone, will reduce tooth decay by 24%, as proven in over 400 scientific studies. If you use my Dr. Branam Xylitol daily in addition to any fluoride toothpaste, you will decrease tooth decay in your family to 72%. That is a significant reduction! Please remember, tooth decay is a disease caused by bacteria that is shared by family members.
This is how Fluoride works:
Fluoride does NOT reduce the tooth decay-causing bacteria of the mouth. Fluoride does not raise the PH of the saliva. Fluoride does not make the surface of the tooth “slick” to reduce the plaque and sugar from adhering to your tooth. FLUORIDE ALONE HARDENS THE ENAMEL OF THE TEETH. Dr. Branam’s Mom’s Choice Award-Winning Xylitol Toothpaste Products:
Dr. Steve Branam Major toothpaste manufacturers have been making toothpaste for over one hundred years. The world of oral disease has significantly changed in this time period, especially the last 25 years. Yet, these large companies continue to make and sell the same toothpaste with the primary preventive ingredient of fluoride. Amazing isn't it.
Large toothpaste companies make toothpaste for the masses, not for small market populations, which have risen significantly in the last 25 years. Frankly, these large companies are very happy with their increase in sales only because the population has risen in adults 21 years of age and older. In the same time period tooth decay has and will continue to grow unless better oral care products are specifically for young children especially those with special needs. The SOLUTION is XYLITOL which has been used in Scandinavia since the mid 1970's. Using Fluoride ALONE has been scientifically proven to decrease tooth decay and improve oral health br 24%. Using XYLITOL daily at some has bee scientifically PROVEN to decrease tooth decay and improve oral health by 72%. Fluoride is old technology and XYLITOL is the latest technology. You should make THE BEST CHOICE for the health of your mouth. You should be using Dr Branams Xylitol toothpaste and gel at home daily if you have any of the following: •Infant or toddlers 1 year of age or older •Children 6 years of age or younger •Children of any age with many cavities •A parent who has multiple cavities •Parents who see a dentist less than once a year or never see a dentist •Parents who do not brush at bedtime •Parents who put the baby to bed with bottle of milk or juice or breast-feed In the middle of the night •Parents who take their children to a General a pediatric dentist •Families who have a history of high rates of tooth decay •Parents of children with special needs, autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or are Wheelchair bound I have been able to reduce the need for extensive and expensive dental treatment by 60 % in my own pediatric dental practice over the last 12 years. The answer is using Dr Branams Xylitol toothpaste and gel DAILY AT HOME. Obviously, my goal is to improve the oral health and lower tooth decay in the entire family. The key is to have parents use these products themselves and introduce them to their infants and other children. I truly hope that this truthful and accurate information is helpful and beneficial. FOR BETTER ORAL HEALTH FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. Dr Steve Branam TikTok and Instagram have been criticized for some of their posts, which are considered misinformation and for entertainment purposes. On the other hand, many people are posting accurate and educational information. I am a contributor to the later information.
Having interviewed thousands of parents in my pediatric dental practice, I am amazed at the misinformation and poor advice many of my patients have received. This inaccurate advice not only comes from friends, family, coworkers, and the internet, but it also comes from medical and dental professionals. I find this appalling. My goal is to give my parents, patients, and the general public TRUTHFUL AND ACCURATE information based upon my 45 years of experience and scientific articles that I have found true. I produce posts on TikTok and Instagram because I have learned that this generation of parents often go to these sites for their information. My information is not entertaining or exciting, but it is TRUTHFUL and BENEFICIAL to improve oral and dental health. I encourage you to follow me on one or both sites and recommend the same to your friends and family. Yours for the best oral health, Dr Steve Branam I want people to be better acquainted with me and my story to begin focusing on preventing tooth decay in families, especially those with young children. This transition occurred over the last 16 years of my 40-year professional dental career.
I am Dr Steve Branam, a pediatric dentist trained and educated to provide mainstream dental care for patients. I was taught to drill, fill, repair, or extract infected and decayed teeth. FORTY YEARS AGO, childhood tooth decay was a significant problem, and it has increased to become a SEVERE problem and continues to increase. I realized that tooth decay is a public health issue. Tooth decay is prevented at home, NOT in the dental office. Preventing tooth decay does not benefit dentists, but prevention benefits the general public. Preventing tooth decay occurs over time and will benefit children and families today and generations to follow. I had watched tooth decay rise in my pediatric dental practice. Using Fluoride ALONE has FAILED, even though it has been the recommended preventive agent by mainstream dentists for over 60 years. I decided to find a better substance to reduce tooth decay and oral bacteria. I have been successful in finding that ingredient, which is XYLITOL. It has been used in Scandinavia for over 50 years to reduce tooth decay, and the American Dental Association has known its benefits since the mid-1970s. I committed to becoming a more holistic dentist focused on preventing and minimizing the need for extensive, expensive mainstream dental treatment. I aim to benefit my patients and the general public, especially those who do not seek regular dental care. I spent time, energy, and money developing the Dr Branam Xylitol toothpaste and gel. They have been clinically tested and proven to be safe and effective. They are new technology that reduces the BACTERIA, which causes tooth decay and gum disease. Using these products AT HOME DAILY will improve your entire family's dental and general health today and for the next generation. The use of Dr Branam Xylitol products by my patients has allowed me to provide less mainstream treatment. This gives me more time to treat more patients with less tooth decay. My patients and parents appreciate having better oral health and spending less time and money in my office. Yours for better and less expensive dental care. Dr Steve Branam My experience shows me that most people have no idea how extensive and prevalent EARLY CHILDHOOD TOOTH DECAY is. This disease takes 12 to 36 months to develop then becomes worse in the following months and dental abscesses develop leading to expensive and extensive dental treatment. Many times the treatment is performed in a hospital operating room under general anesthesia. This often costs thousands of dollars and is stressful for the parents.
This can be avoided by taking your child to a pediatric dentist for their first dental appointment on their 1st birthday and using the Dr. Branams Xylitol toothpaste and gel by the entire family. At minimum all of the children should use the Dr Branams Xylitol products. You should actually Google Images of Early Childhood tooth decay and see for yourself the extent of the infection and the appearance of the teeth. This can be avoided or minimized. Please keep in mind the importance of the pediatric dental visit on your child's first birthday. Yours for better oral and dental health. Dr. Steve Branam |
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